dijous, 23 de desembre del 2010

Merry Christmas

Bon Nadal, Feliz Navidad, Froe Weihnachten, Joyeux Noël, Καλά Χριστούγεννα, 圣诞节快乐, Buon Natale, God Jul, C Рождеством, Mutlu Noeller, Geseënde Kersfees, Весела Коледа, メリークリスマス, Feliz Natal, Gëzuar Krishtlindjet, Շնորհավոր Սուրբ Ծնունդ, Fete Nwèl, Milied it-Tajjeb, Glædelig Jul, Hyvää Joulua, मेरी क्रिसमस...

diumenge, 19 de desembre del 2010

El nostre primer concert!!! (com qui diu)

Ahir fa ser fantàstic poder cantar tot el que hem assajat fins ara, en aquella església tan petiteta però tant acollidora! i amb tant bona acústica!! amb tant poc públic però quin Públic!!! amb tant poc repertori però quin Repertori!!!
No podia haver estat millor!!!
Gracies a tots per fer-ho possible!!!

dimarts, 14 de desembre del 2010

Concert solidari amb La Marató de TV3!

Concert Wandengue a la Esglesia de Lurdes el proper dissabte 18 de Desembre a les 16:30h

Organitza:Associació Els Amics de la Plaça Santa Madrona i Parròquia de Lurdes

Aquesta entitat celebra la tercera diada festiva per La Marató amb activitats variades com música i ball. Vine a la Parròquia de Lurdes i col·labora amb La Marató!

Carrer de Mare de Deu del Remei, 38 (cantonada amb Font Honrada, 33)

divendres, 10 de desembre del 2010

It's a boy (TOMMY, The Who)

--> Dedicat a tu CarmeP!!!

It's a boy, Mrs. Walker, it's a boy.
It's a boy, Mrs. Walker, it's a boy!

A son! A son! A son!

Gifted Hands - Lynyrd Skynyrd


I remember the day that he came in
I can't believe how long it's been
Like a poet, he began to play
Just an old friend that hung with the band
A drinkin' man he had no plan
But he played the 'Bird...
Played it for free

'Cause I know he's here
He's everywhere
Take a look around oh and you will see
That cross we bear
It's in the air
Lord we thank you for these gifted hands

There are demons we live with every day
That tear at our hearts and take us away
To another place
Some of us don't get back
This song is for the hands of the workin' man
Who believes in himself and he understands
Love, hope, and faith are The Maker's plan

'Cause I know he's here
He's everywhere
Take a look around oh and you will see
That cross we bear
It's in the air
Lord we thank you for these gifted hands

One day we'll all take that ride
And with those gifted hands I know you'll fly

divendres, 19 de novembre del 2010


Batiscafo monoplaça,
es teu focus a s'abisme
de ses aigües insondables
només tu les averigües.

Batiscafo socialista
redactant informe tràgic,
camarada, maquinista
a institut oceanogràfic.

Batiscafo solitari
dus un ruting planetari.

Retxes de sol atravessen blaus marins,
ses algues tornen verdes i brillen ses estrelles,
que ja s'ha fet de nit i es plàncton s'il·lumina
i cantes ses balenes a 30.000 quilòmetres d'aquí.

Retxes de sol atravessen blaus marins,
ses algues tornen verdes i brillen ses estrelles,
que ja s'ha fet de nit i es plàncton s'il·lumina
i canten ses sirenes aproximadament per no existir.

Batiscafo socialista
redactant informe tràgic,
catedràtic Yuri Puscas
a institut oceanogràfic.

Batiscafo katiuscas
fas un atles visionari.

Retxes de sol atravessen blaus marins,
ses algues tornen verdes i brillen ses estrelles,
que ja s'ha fet de nit i es plàncton s'il·lumina
i cantes ses balenes a 30.000 quilòmetres d'aquí.

Retxes de sol atravessen blaus marins,
ses algues tornen verdes i brillen ses estrelles,
que ja s'ha fet de nit i es plàncton s'il·lumina
i canten ses sirenes aproximadament per no existir.

divendres, 12 de novembre del 2010

Taller de Gospel amb Walt Whitman

El Cor Carlit organitza un taller de Gospel amb Walt Whitman, director del cor Soul Children of Chicago (USA), del 9 al 14 de Desembre 2010.

Per més informació sobre aquest taller clickeu la imatge inferior per fer-la més gran.

I si esteu interessats en participar-hi envieu un mail a: tallerdegospelcarlit@gmail.com
o truqueu al telèfon: 665 788 062
per demanar la butlleta d'inscripció.

Animeu-vos que serà divertit i a més a més es una oportunitat per viure l'autèntic esperit del gospel americà en primera línia!!!

Wade in the water -The Golden Gate Quartet

No he trobat cap lletra d'aquesta versió dels Golden Gate Quartet...
De moment us passo aquestes dos de les tantes que en hi han d'aquest espiritual negre.


Wade in the water
Wade in the water, children,
Wade in the water
God's a-going to trouble the water

See that host all dressed in white
God's a-going to trouble the water
The leader looks like the Israelite
God's a-going to trouble the water

See that band all dressed in red
God's a-going to trouble the water
Looks like the band that Moses led
God's a-going to trouble the water

Look over yonder, what do you see?
God's a-going to trouble the water
The Holy Ghost a-coming on me
God's a-going to trouble the water

If you don't believe I've been redeemed
God's a-going to trouble the water
Just follow me down to the Jordan's stream
God's a-going to trouble the water


Wade in the water.
Wade in the water, children.
Wade in the water.
God's gonna trouble the water.

Well, who are these children all dressed in red?
God's a-gonna trouble the water
Must be the children that Moses led
God's a-gonna trouble the water.


Who's that young girl dressed in white
Wade in the Water
Must be the Children of Israelites
God's gonna trouble the Water.


Jordan's water is chilly and cold.
God's gonna trouble the water.
It chills the body, but not the soul.
God's gonna trouble the water.


If you get there before I do.
God's gonna trouble the water.
Tell all of my friends I'm coming too.
God's gonna trouble the water.


dissabte, 6 de novembre del 2010

Smoke on the water - Deep Purple

We all came out to Montreux
On the Lake Geneva shoreline
To make records with a mobile
We didn't have much time
Frank Zappa and the Mothers
Were at the best place around
But some stupid with a flare gun
Burned the place to the ground
Smoke on the water, fire in the sky

They burned down the gambling house
It died with an awful sound
Funky Claude was running in and out
Pulling kids out the ground
When it all was over
We had to find another place
But Swiss time was running out
It seemed that we would lose the race
Smoke on the water, fire in the sky

We ended up at the Grand Hotel
It was empty cold and bare
But with the Rolling truck Stones thing just outside
Making our music there
With a few red lights and a few old beds
We make a place to sweat
No matter what we get out of this
I know we'll never forget
Smoke on the water, fire in the sky

Ol' Man River - Versió de William Warfield

Dere's an ol' man called de Mississippi
Dat's de ol' man dat I'd like to be
What does he care if de world's got troubles
What does he care if de land ain't free

Ol' man river, dat ol' man river
He mus' know sumpin', but don't say nuthin'
He jes' keeps rollin'
He keeps on rollin' along

He don' plant taters, he don't plant cotton
An' dem dat plants' em is soon forgotten
But ol'man river
He jes' keeps rollin' along

You an' me, we sweat an' strain
Body all achin' an' wracked wid pain,
Tote dat barge! Lif' dat bale!
Git a little drunk an' you lands in jail

Ah gits weary an' sick of tryin'
Ah'm tired of livin' an' skeered of dyin'
But ol' man river
He jes' keeps rolling' along

dijous, 4 de novembre del 2010

Concert al Poble Espanyol

Aquest dissabte 6 de Novembre no et perdis el Concert de The Big Bang Gospel Project a la festa benèfica CHILD TO CHILD ART al Poble Espanyol.

El concert començarà a les 18h, quedarem a la entrada a les 17h.

dilluns, 1 de novembre del 2010

Casament de la Solans (02/10/2010)

Ens acaba d’arribar una foto del casament de la Solans!!
Aviat en penjarem mes!!
De moment amb aquesta primera foto recordem aquell dia que va ser tan entranyable i emotiu, no només pels nuvis,
sinó per tots els que hi érem: Wandengues & Ol’Greens.

dilluns, 11 d’octubre del 2010

Un dia a Sant Sadurní d’Anoia

Decidit, després de fer alguna cata tornem directes al estand dels Raventós-Soler, perquè sens dubte son els millors!!!

Com sempre ens reben amb els braços oberts, ens deixen sostre, taula i cadires per menjar, ja que no para de ploure…

I fins i tot ens conviden a uns postres boníssims!! La garlanda quin descobriment!!!

Després anem de fira artesanal i per acabar que no falti una volta amb el trenet!!!

Un dia complert ;-D

divendres, 24 de setembre del 2010

Cap de setmana d’activitats varies: 8-10 Octubre

Pots escollir entre:

Anar al CAVATAST 2010 de Sant Sadurní d’Anoia per degustar la mostra de cava i gastronomia de la terra i com no! gaudir dels magnífics caves de la família de la Berta!!!

O bé:

Asistir al Taller de Gospel que fa l'Emmanuel Djob a Barcelona:

O fer les dues coses!

dimecres, 15 de setembre del 2010


Quedem a les 20:00h a:

Parroquia Mare de Déu de Bellvitge
C/Ermita 65-67

diumenge, 12 de setembre del 2010


Ku lezontabah
Stimela siphum' eSouth Africa
Ku lezontabah
Stimela siphum' eSouth Africa
Wen' uyabalekah
Wen' uyabalekah
Ku lezontabah
Stimela siphum' eSouth Africa

I la possible traducció que surt a la wikipedia:

Sigue adelante
sigue adelante
sobre aquellas montañas
tren de Sudáfrica
Sigue adelante
sigue adelante
sobre aquellas montañas
tren de Sudáfrica
Te vas alejando
te vas alejando
sobre aquellas montañas
tren de Sudáfrica

Thank You Lord

Thank you Lord
Thank you Lord
Thank you Lord
I just want to thank you Lord

divendres, 10 de setembre del 2010

Christmas (TOMMY, The Who)

Com ja tenim el vídeo dels The Who per mail us fico aquest amb les lletres per aprendre-les millor.


Did you ever see the faces of the children
They get so excited.
Waking up on christmas morning
Hours before the winter suns ignited.
They believe in dreams and all they mean
Including heavens generosity.
Peeping round the door
To see what parcels are for free
In curiosity.

And Tommy doesn't know what day it is.
He doesn't know who Jesus was or what praying is.
How can he be saved?
From the eternal grave.

Surrounded by his friends he sits so silently,
And unaware of everything.
Playing poxy pin ball
Picks his nose and smiles and
Pokes his tongue at everything.
I believe in love
But how can men who've never seen
Light be enlightened.
Only if he's cured
Will his spirits future level ever heighten.

And Tommy doesn't know what day it is.
He doesn't know who Jesus was or what praying is.
How can he be saved?
From the eternal grave.

Tommy can you hear me?
Tommy can you hear me?
Tommy can you hear me?
Tommy can you hear me?
Tommy can you hear me?
Can you hear me?
How can he be saved?


See me, feel me
Touch me, heal me.
See me, feel me
Touch me, heal me!


Tommy can you hear me?
Tommy can you hear me?
Tommy can you hear me?
Tommy can you hear me?
Tommy can you hear me?
Can you--Can you--Can you hear me?
How can he be saved?

Did you ever see the faces of the children
They get so excited.
Waking up on christmas morning
Hours before the winter suns ignited.
They believe in dreams and all they mean
Including heavens generosity.
Peeping round the door
To see what parcels are for free
In curiosity.

And Tommy doesn't know what day it is.
He doesn't know who Jesus was or what praying is.
How can he be saved?
From the eternal grave.

dissabte, 4 de setembre del 2010

Vuelta al cole!!

Com ja sabeu, el passat dia 2 vam començar els assaijos amb puntualitat britànica (això es una exageració!!) i batent tots els records d'assistencia (això es veritat!!).

Però per si encara hi ha algún Wan, ex-Wan o ex-One desperdigat us recordem que:

El proper dijous dia 9 començarem a les 18:30h

Us esperem a tots!!!

divendres, 3 de setembre del 2010

Tommy Can You Hear Me (TOMMY, The Who)

Tommy, can you hear me?
Can you feel me near you?
Tommy, can you see me?
Can I help to cheer you?

Oooh, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy, Tommy

dimarts, 10 d’agost del 2010

Tenim un encarrec!

Hola Wandengues!

Espero que estigueu gaudint del estiu a tope!

Per si teniu temps aquests dies, us deixo la música i lletra d'aquesta cançò que ens hem d'aprendre tant si com no… ja sabeu perqué!!!

I Just Called To Say I Love You (Stevie Wonder)

No New Year's Day to celebrate
No chocolate covered candy hearts to give away
No first of spring
No song to sing
In fact here's just another ordinary day

No April rain
No flowers bloom
No wedding Saturday within the month of June
But what it is, is something true
Made up of these three words that I must say to you

I just called to say I love you
I just called to say how much I care
I just called to say I love you
And I mean it from the bottom of my heart

No summer's high
No warm July
No harvest moon to light one tender August night
No autumn breeze
No falling leaves
Not even time for birds to fly to southern skies

No Libra sun
No Halloween
No giving thanks to all the Christmas joy you bring
But what it is, though old so new
To fill your heart like no three words could ever do

I just called to say I love you
I just called to say how much I care, I do
I just called to say I love you
And I mean it from the bottom of my heart

I just called to say I love you
I just called to say how much I care, I do
I just called to say I love you
And I mean it from the bottom of my heart, of my heart,
Of my heart

I just called to say I love you
I just called to say how much I care, I do

dimarts, 20 de juliol del 2010

taller-post taller

aqui teniu unes fotos del taller de gospel que vam fer el cap de setmana passat i del post-taller

el que us heu perdut!!!!

divendres, 25 de juny del 2010


Taller de Gospel a ROSES

Divendres 16/07/2010 18:00
Dissabte 17/07/2010 19:00
Lloc: Al Teatre Municipal (Avda. Tarragona, 81 - Roses)

Preu aprox. Dissabte 17: 35€

¿¿¿ T'HI APUNTES ???

Mostra un mapa més gran

divendres, 18 de juny del 2010

Fotos Sopar Fi de Curs

Aquí teniu algunes fotos del sopar d’ahir que vaig poder fer amb el mòbil, fins que se’m va acabar la bateria...

diumenge, 13 de juny del 2010

I dijous que ve: tirem la casa per la finestra!!!

recordeu que el proper dijous serà l’últim dia de classe
i després farem
el primer sopar de l’any!!!
Un esdeveniment inèdit!!!
Que no falti ningú!!!

diumenge, 30 de maig del 2010

Ella i el Seu Fill (Lax'n'busto)

Hola Wandengues!

Os passo el nostre darrer hit parade ...
No he trobat cap vídeo d’aquesta cançó així que si algú en troba un que el pengi, pls.

Aqui surt un anunci que no puc treure @#gr!!... però dura poc..., abaix a la dreta se sent be.

Viu soleta amb el seu fill
en un pis d’aquells de fa 300 anys,
dels seus pares va escapar
i el pare del nen ràpid va renunciar.

Tot l'amor que mai li van donar
ella li dona a aquell infant.

Cada dia al dematí,
ella el lleva, el banya i agafa el camí.
Cap al cole el portarà,
la psicòloga ja l’està esperant.

Què pot fer, amb un nen que no fa res?
que va nèixer abans de temps.

Vull saber, que penses mentre jo t’estic tocant.
Tu no sents, tu no parles ni veus les meves mans;
però el teu cor va bategant,
i és que tens el meu amor les 3 horetes que ets per mi.

La mare s’en va a treballar,
a la O.N.C.E. ara l’han contractat.
Ella sempre havia comprat
cupons de l’esperança per somiar

I agraeix tota la sort que va tenir,
quant aquell crio va parir.

Amor meu, tu ets tot el que jo no he tingut mai,
i el nen té, tots els mals que déu li va poder donar.
Ara és a l’hospital,
i la noia, que farà quan el cel digui vas fallar,
I se l’emporti al més enllà.

Amor meu, tu ets tot el que jo no he tingut mai,
i somia que algun dia, potser serà important
perquè a ella tant li fa.
El nen té la seva sang, el seu amor, la seva pau,
i el que ella no sap explicar.
Amor meu...

La nostra versió de Heaven for Everyone

This could be heaven
This could be heaven

This could be heaven for everyone
This world could be free
This world could be fun

This could be heaven for everyone
This world could be free
This world could be one

And this could be heaven...

Heaven for Everyone - Queen

This could be heaven
This could be heaven
This could be heaven for everyone

In these days of cool reflection
You come to me and everything seems alright
In these days of cold affections
You sit by me - and everything's fine

This could be heaven for everyone
This world could be fed, this world can be fun
This could be heaven for everyone
This world could be free, this world can be one

In this world of cool deception
Just your smile can smooth my ride
These troubled days of cruel rejection, hmm
You come to me, soothe my troubled mind

Yeah, this could be heaven for everyone
This world could be fed, this world can be fun
This should be love for everyone,
This world should be free, this world can be one
We should bring love to our daughters and sons
Love, love, love, this could be heaven for everyone
You know that
This could be heaven for everyone
This could be heaven for everyone

Listen - what people do to other souls
They take their lives - destroy their goals
Their basic pride and dignity
Is stripped and torn and shown no pity
When this should be heaven for everyone

dilluns, 24 de maig del 2010


El passat 20 de Maig, durant el concert al Casal de les Corts,
on vam fer de teloneros dels Ol’Green,
vam ser batejats com The Wandengues pel nostre director, el Uri:

Aprofitem per felicitar a tots els Ol’Green pel concert que van donar!!!
Van estar genials com sempre però sobretot hi va haver un moment realment
* f * l * i * p * a * n * t *
amb ... He will come and save you...

Gracies per deixar-nos-hi participar!!! Que bé que ens ho vam passar!!!

divendres, 7 de maig del 2010

Heaven for Everyone

Letra Heaven for everyone. de Queen
This could be heaven
This could be heaven
This could be heaven for everyone

In these days of cool reflection
You come to me and everything seems alright
In these days of cold affections
You sit by me - and everything’s fine

This could be heave for everyone
This world could be fed, this world could be fun
This could be heaven for everyone
This world could be free, this world could be one

In this world of cool deception
Just your smile can smooth my ride
These troubled days of cruel rejection, hmm
You come to me, soothe my troubled mind

Yeah, this could be heave for everyone
This world could be fed, this world could be fun
This could be heaven for everyone, yeah
This world should be free, this world could be one
We should bring love to our daughters and sons
Love, love, love, this could be heaven for everyone
You know that
This could be heave for everyone
This could be heave for everyone

Listen - what people do to their souls
They take their lives - destroy their goals
Their basic pride and dignity
Is stripped and torn and shown to pity
When this should be heaven for everyone