diumenge, 30 de maig del 2010

Ella i el Seu Fill (Lax'n'busto)

Hola Wandengues!

Os passo el nostre darrer hit parade ...
No he trobat cap vídeo d’aquesta cançó així que si algú en troba un que el pengi, pls.

Aqui surt un anunci que no puc treure @#gr!!... però dura poc..., abaix a la dreta se sent be.

Viu soleta amb el seu fill
en un pis d’aquells de fa 300 anys,
dels seus pares va escapar
i el pare del nen ràpid va renunciar.

Tot l'amor que mai li van donar
ella li dona a aquell infant.

Cada dia al dematí,
ella el lleva, el banya i agafa el camí.
Cap al cole el portarà,
la psicòloga ja l’està esperant.

Què pot fer, amb un nen que no fa res?
que va nèixer abans de temps.

Vull saber, que penses mentre jo t’estic tocant.
Tu no sents, tu no parles ni veus les meves mans;
però el teu cor va bategant,
i és que tens el meu amor les 3 horetes que ets per mi.

La mare s’en va a treballar,
a la O.N.C.E. ara l’han contractat.
Ella sempre havia comprat
cupons de l’esperança per somiar

I agraeix tota la sort que va tenir,
quant aquell crio va parir.

Amor meu, tu ets tot el que jo no he tingut mai,
i el nen té, tots els mals que déu li va poder donar.
Ara és a l’hospital,
i la noia, que farà quan el cel digui vas fallar,
I se l’emporti al més enllà.

Amor meu, tu ets tot el que jo no he tingut mai,
i somia que algun dia, potser serà important
perquè a ella tant li fa.
El nen té la seva sang, el seu amor, la seva pau,
i el que ella no sap explicar.
Amor meu...

La nostra versió de Heaven for Everyone

This could be heaven
This could be heaven

This could be heaven for everyone
This world could be free
This world could be fun

This could be heaven for everyone
This world could be free
This world could be one

And this could be heaven...

Heaven for Everyone - Queen

This could be heaven
This could be heaven
This could be heaven for everyone

In these days of cool reflection
You come to me and everything seems alright
In these days of cold affections
You sit by me - and everything's fine

This could be heaven for everyone
This world could be fed, this world can be fun
This could be heaven for everyone
This world could be free, this world can be one

In this world of cool deception
Just your smile can smooth my ride
These troubled days of cruel rejection, hmm
You come to me, soothe my troubled mind

Yeah, this could be heaven for everyone
This world could be fed, this world can be fun
This should be love for everyone,
This world should be free, this world can be one
We should bring love to our daughters and sons
Love, love, love, this could be heaven for everyone
You know that
This could be heaven for everyone
This could be heaven for everyone

Listen - what people do to other souls
They take their lives - destroy their goals
Their basic pride and dignity
Is stripped and torn and shown no pity
When this should be heaven for everyone

dilluns, 24 de maig del 2010


El passat 20 de Maig, durant el concert al Casal de les Corts,
on vam fer de teloneros dels Ol’Green,
vam ser batejats com The Wandengues pel nostre director, el Uri:

Aprofitem per felicitar a tots els Ol’Green pel concert que van donar!!!
Van estar genials com sempre però sobretot hi va haver un moment realment
* f * l * i * p * a * n * t *
amb ... He will come and save you...

Gracies per deixar-nos-hi participar!!! Que bé que ens ho vam passar!!!

divendres, 7 de maig del 2010

Heaven for Everyone

Letra Heaven for everyone. de Queen
This could be heaven
This could be heaven
This could be heaven for everyone

In these days of cool reflection
You come to me and everything seems alright
In these days of cold affections
You sit by me - and everything’s fine

This could be heave for everyone
This world could be fed, this world could be fun
This could be heaven for everyone
This world could be free, this world could be one

In this world of cool deception
Just your smile can smooth my ride
These troubled days of cruel rejection, hmm
You come to me, soothe my troubled mind

Yeah, this could be heave for everyone
This world could be fed, this world could be fun
This could be heaven for everyone, yeah
This world should be free, this world could be one
We should bring love to our daughters and sons
Love, love, love, this could be heaven for everyone
You know that
This could be heave for everyone
This could be heave for everyone

Listen - what people do to their souls
They take their lives - destroy their goals
Their basic pride and dignity
Is stripped and torn and shown to pity
When this should be heaven for everyone