diumenge, 26 de juny del 2011

Big Bang a la radio!!

Big Bang Gospel Project, després del concert que va donar davant del MACBA, ahir dissabte 25 de Juny, va participar al programa de radio Visto lo visto TV.

divendres, 17 de juny del 2011

The Wandengues in "Can Cifuentes-Vicent. Part 2"

Nothing But The Water - Grace Potter and the Nocturnals

I have seen what man can do
When the evil lives inside of you
Many are the weak
And the strong are few
But with the water
We'll start anew

Well, won't you take me down to the levy, take me down to the stream,
take my down to the water, we're gonna wash our souls clean,
take me down to the river, take me down to the lake,
Yes, we'll all go together, we're gonna do it for the good lord's sake

I have fallen so many times
For the devil's sweet, cunning rhymes
And this old world
Has brought us pain
But there's hope
For us again

Well, won't you take me down to the levy, take me down to the stream,
take my down to the water, we're gonna wash our souls clean,
take me down to the river, take me down to the lake,
Yes, we'll all go together, we're gonna do it for the good lord's sake

Tried my hand at the bible, tried my hand at prayer,
but now nothing but the water is gonna bring my soul to bare

Tried my hand at the bible, tried my hand at prayer,
but now nothing but the water is gonna bring my soul to bare

diumenge, 5 de juny del 2011

Concert a la Llar d'Avis de Sarrià - Tot el concert

This Little Light of Mine (Bruce Springsteen)

Sons of Lilith (Emmanuel Djob)

Oh When the Saints Go Marching in (American gospel hymn)

Tommy (The Who)

Gifted Hands (Lynyrd Skynyrd)

Down By The Riverside (Traditional gospel song)

Gimme Hope, Johanna (Eddy Grant)

Clever Heaven (Mix Heaven for Every de Queen & Stairway to Heaven de Led Zeppelin)

Oh Happy Day (Edwin Hawkins)

Joyful, Joyful (Mix Beethoven, Miguel Rios & Sister Act)

divendres, 3 de juny del 2011

Concert a la Llar d'Avis de Sarrià

Ja ens han arribat els primers vídeos del concert que vam fer el passat 28 de Maig a la Llar d'Avis de Sarrià.
Malgrat la son del matí, lo petit que era el local i que la acústica no era molt bona... ens en vam sortir!!
El public va gaudir, ens van fer un regalet i ens van convidar a un pica-pica! que mes es pot demanar??
Be, si, anar millorant.. ho farem! per això son els vídeos..